Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 21st Virtual Academy Videos!

Hi Everyone! In case you want to review anything we covered at the Virtual Academy on January 21st or weren't able to make it, here are the recordings.

Click Here to go to the January Virtual Academy Page!

They are separated by subject and presenter, you can choose the one you want to see from the list. Please drop me a line if you have any questions about any of the material covered here at yvonne@globaloria.org. Thanks again for all the great work you did for this academy!

Competition Milestone Dates Now Posted on the Educator Calendar

We have recently posted all Competition Milestone Submission Dates on the Educator Google calendar. Please refer to the calendar to help you remember upcoming milestones for the rest of the 2012 academic year.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Upcoming Dates for the Globaloria Game Design Competition Registration and Milestones

The next few days bring several important submission dates for the Globaloria Game Design Competitions. See below for more detailed information.

Fall Course STEM: Final Game Milestone Due Monday, January 30, 2012
Spring Course STEM: Registration Deadline Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fall Course Civics: Final Game Milestone Due Monday, January 30, 2012

Spring Course Civics: Registration Deadline Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hillsborough County Globey Awards: Registration Deadline Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Silicon Valley Globey Awards: Registration Deadline Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Please visit our Competitions FAQ page for detailed information regarding registration and the milestone submission process for the Game Design Competitions.
Email competitions@globaloria.org with questions.

ANNOUNCING! Digital Learning Day’s Video Contest

Just wanted to share!
ANNOUNCING! Digital Learning Day’s Video Contest
We want to hear how digital learning is improving your school and how you celebrated Digital Learning Day! There are categories for Teachers, High School Students, Middle School, and Elementary Students. Go to http://www.digitallearningday.org/awards/ to view the categories, directions and rules. Submissions will be due on Friday, March 2nd. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dear Globaloria Educators,

We are gearing up for the first-ever national Digital Learning Day on Wednesday, February 1st!  Thank you all for the work you are putting in to make this day a success the Globaloria Way.

1) Attached please find Talking Tips for talking to press and media. Please review them and have them with you on February 1st.

2) We've also attached an updated Digital Learning Day Certificate to be distributed to participants on February 1st.

3) Don't forget to take lots of pictures and videos on February 1st and submit them to dld@globaloria.org

4) If you have not already done so, please reply to this email and let us know how your Globaloria class will be participating in Digital Learning Day.

Please feel to reach out to me or Deb Super (deb@worldwideworkshop.org) with any questions. All toolkit items can also be found on the Educators Wiki.



Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The excitement is building for Digital Learning Day on February 1!  Many of you have already shared with us your plans to celebrate this national event. If you have not yet responded about your plans for that day, please email Deb by Friday, January 27 (deb@worldwideworkshop.org).  

Of course, every day in your classroom is a digital learning day.  So, we ask that you share what your students do on a regular basis in Globaloria and invite parents, administrators, media, other teachers in the building, policy makers, board members or local officials to see a Globaloria class in action as you proceed with instruction! 

Earlier in the month we provided you with a toolkit to help you plan and run a smooth open house. All the toolkit documents are posted on the Educators Wiki

Please document the day by takings photos and videos on your flip cams!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 21 Academy

In the past we have traveled to Charleston for the mid-year academy and weather has always been an issue. So this year we'll try something new: a virtual academy (January 21--11:00 AM EST-2:00 PM EST) with some pre-academy assignments. A character will be doing the traveling!

As educators we sometimes forget that we need to continue to learn. We are so busy getting ready for the next day that learning takes a back seat. Then when you add family and other responsibilities, it seems like there are never enough hours in the day. So learning is moved to the trunk.

Globaloria forces us to move that learning to the front seat. We complain about it sometimes, but look what it is doing for us. We are doing coding we never dreamed we would use, editing and using wikis, blogging, and working as a group. My brain hurts thinking about it sometimes.

For most of us it is not an easy class to teach, but we do it because we think it is what the students need. Coming out of the comfort zone has been hard for many of us, yet seeing what students are able to achieve has been overwhelming. We are giving them opportunities to explore a world they did not know before.

So, I'll see you January 21 in the front seat with me. Beforehand, don't forget the pre-academy activities. Some educators have already posted their work there, so check it out and add your own activities.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Apply for 2012-13 by Jan 31

Globaloria applications for the 2012-13 school year will be sent to schools and central offices in early January. The deadline for application is January 31.

Now is the time to plan to expand your Globaloria program to reach more students. Think about adding more sections of the course, inviting new instructors to join, and integrating the curriculum into more content courses. Contact Deb Super with any questions.

Globaloria by the Numbers

Entering the second half of Pilot Year 5, we are proud to announce the number of students and educators impacted by Globaloria. The forward-thinking leaders in the schools and other educational settings are responsible for the spread of our innovative curriculum. Congratulations for accepting the challenge to transform learning and lives.

Overall Reach 2007-2012
  • Students: 4,500
  • Educators: 350
  • Schools: 83
  • States: 7 (CA, FL, LA, NY, TX, WV, and the District of Columbia)
  • International: 3 (Israel, Saudi Arabia, 2 Global implementations)
  • Elective Classes: 205
  • Core Curriculum Integration Classes: 49
  • Summer Programs: 2
  • After School Locations: 3
  • Educational / Social Issue Games: 775

5 Habits of Successful Globaloria Classes

In the spirit of New Years' resolutions, we invite you to focus on maximizing these five practices in your classroom!
  • Students update wiki pages frequently. Students and educators blog regularly.
  • Students complete learning logs on a daily or weekly basis.
  • Educators keep course schedules up-to-date.
  • New educators are communicating with mentors at least bi-weekly.

Goodbye Newsletter, Hello Blog!

Starting in January 2012, updates and news for educators will appear in the Globaloria Educators blog. Instead of a monthly newsletter, important information will appear as soon as you need it. If you are not already subscribed, please add yourself to the list. Bookmark the blog URL, or use the Educators toolbar for quick and easy access.