Thursday, March 15, 2012

Reminder: Upcoming Game Design Competition Milestones Deadlines

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to remind you of the upcoming Milestone submissions dates for the Silicon Valley Globey Awards and Spring Course Civics and STEM Game Design Competitions.  Please pass this information along to your participating students.

  • Spring Course Civics: Game Demo Milestone Due Friday, March 16, 2012
  • Spring Course STEM: Game Demo Milestone Due Friday, March 16, 2012 
  • Silicon Valley Globey Awards: Game Demo Milestone Due Friday, March 16, 2012

I have included instructions below on how to submit a milestone to the competition. Email if you have any questions.



How do I submit milestones to a competition?
  • Once you have completed a milestone, embed the file or video on your team page.
  • For game demo and final game milestones, add the .fla and.swf to your Game page on the Game Gallery.
  • Go to: to log into the competition site.
  • Sign in with your school wiki username, and your personal Competition password, which was emailed to you.
  • Scroll down to the "MILESTONE SUBMISSIONS" section.
  • Paste your team page URL only in the box for the milestone that is due.
  • Click "save" to timestamp your submission.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time to evaluate progress

Hi All

At this point in the year most of the classes should have the team pages totally completed except for the final game and updating the timeline.  Please take some time to see that your teams have their team pages completed.  Remind team members to upload progress at least once a week so their game progress is visible.

This is important because it is a major element during the competition judging. 

Remember that the game demo presentations are now the professional reviews and to request those right away.  The feedback can be used by students to make improvements before the final game.

If you need anything just let me know!

Friday, March 9, 2012

National STEM Challenge Deadline Extended

Hi all, 

The 2012 National STEMVideo Game Challenge just announced that it has extended its deadline to March 23, 2012. Globaloria educators and students are strongly encourage to submit their games.
Please note, students with finished games from the 2010-11 school year and Fall 2011 are still eligible to apply.

Globaloria students will be shining stars in these categories:
  • Written game design documents
  • Games made with any tool (Open Platform) - this includes Flash
  • Educational games made with any tool
Globaloria Educators should also apply! There is a particularly great opportunity for teachers to submit games they have made. Educator Category:

Please let us know if any of your students plan to submit their game to the Challenge. If you have any questions email

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 13th Mini Workshop!

Hey Everybody!

Just wanted to remind you that we will be having our next mini workshop on Tuesday, March 13th at 6pm EST on Adobe Connect. Mentor Educator Jeremy Ross will be leading a session on Sound Effects and Background Music. Check out the topics, refresh your memory, and think of any questions you want to ask! Find at least one free-use sound file that you want to use in flash before the mini workshop!

Here are some websites that can help you find free sounds:
See you all next week! I'll send out another email reminder with the link to Adobe Connect and the example file you'll be working on before the session.
