Thursday, February 21, 2013

Globeys Deadline: March 1

Reminder: A Globeys Deadline is Coming Up!

Paper Prototypes are due on Team Pages next Friday, March 1, for full-year students.

Did you know Globeys winners and finalists win great prizes like laptops and video games?

Don't let your students miss out on the chance to win!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Obama: Let's give more kids the opportunity to make games

On Presidents' Day, our own president was speaking out in support of programs like Globaloria.

During a Google+ Hangout open to the public, President Obama called for more in-school offerings for K12 students in game-based learning, noting that computers and video games can be a substantial force to engage students in STEM and learning in general.

"What it does is not only to prepare young people who may choose to not go to a four-year college to be job-ready," Obama said, "But it also engages kids--they feel like 'I get this, this is not just me sitting there slouching in the back of the room while somebody's lecturing.'" 

Read the article here.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fresh from the Help Desk!

Hi everyone! Here is a tip for you and your students that may help your run your class. A feature that we introduced this year to the Help Desk is the ability to connect your Google Account to the Help Desk.

If you or your students already have a Help Desk account, you can continue to use that. However if you do not, there is a new option available. It's really easy:
  • To go the log-in page for the Help Desk in the upper righthand of the screen.
  • At the log-in page, click "Sign in using Google"
  • If you haven't signed in, sign in when prompted.
  • Allow the Help Desk to connect your account.
When you preform these steps, if you don't have an account associated with that email, a new one will be created, and you can click the Google button to log-in.

If you already have an account, you can also perform these steps in order to log in with the Google button.

For more tips, check out the your school wiki's Help Center and the Help Desk's Knowledge Base.

As always, if  you have any questions, feel free to message the Help Desk!