Sunday, October 31, 2010


Often, in our commercial society, we applaud all the antics of our favorite stars. The biggest problem I have with this is that WE should be our favorite stars. Too often in the past year as a mentor, I would see students' wikis that showcased images of their favorite actors and musicians more than anything else. There is nothing wrong with having imagery that depicts our likes and dislikes. I just think we should blow our own horns a bit more.

So, in this post, I thought I would highlight some students who have really put themselves onto their wiki user page. First, at South Charleston Middle school, Kaitlin shows her love of softball. Nicole at George Washington High School shared a great picture of her beautiful daughter.

Like the sun, the star you see the most of often seems to shine the brightest. But, in a nebula, millions of stars are born and shine just as bright. Our students should see their own light as brightly as that of their idols.

Until next time, the soapbox is yours.


Unknown said...

I have had several students who have some type of handicapping condition such as hearing impaired, physically impaired or learning impaired. These students make me see things in a different life and I admire them so much. Everyday is a struggle for them and in my old age they have become my heroes and the people I admire. In additional being a pilot site for Globaloria has given me an opportunity to see students try and do things that are different and how they have "risen to the occasion." We truly have a million stars in our classrooms everyday.

Unknown said...

All students will meet expectations if we give them the means and opportunities. You are a star, too, Denise, for making this happen for students.