Friday, December 28, 2007

Creating a Learning-Centered Learning Environment: More then a dream?

Read this quote from Will's blog post today.

All of which started me thinking, about a different model, one that is built on really small groups of students that meet in physical space studying and learning about the topics they are passionate about and who are also connected to other small groups of students with like minded passions from anywhere in the world via the Live Web, where long term collaborations and research and learning can happen over extended periods, all of it real work for real audiences, published and reviewed by engaged readers participants acting as mentors from global audiences. The adults in the room are co-learners with the students but also educators who can model and navigate the skills and competencies, the “network literacies” (sorry, Tom) that the kids in the room need to have to leverage the connections they help facilitate. And there might be some high-level, virtual administration in there somewhere, to make sure the connections and logistics are working. And there might be parents learning alongside their students, and others who are involved at different levels of the process. Regardless, it’s a place where learning is at the heart of everything. Not grades. Not tests. Not college acceptances.I know, I know. I’m dreaming here. But heck, it’s the New Year. It’s a time for dreaming…

Weblogg-ed » Some New Year’s Dreaming

Does this sound a little familiar? Go read the entire post and the associated links that he references. Do you think that the has these characteristics? If you could create a learning environment of your dreams, what would it look like? Maybe this isn't happening (yet) what do we need to do to get this kind of environment working? Any thoughts? Leave a comment.

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